Most consumers don’t know that there is an amazingly wide gap in quality between hospitals all within driving distance! Many tools and nonprofits rate hospitals, but none show you the variance based on specific procedures. Not every good hospital is great at everything. A hospital in your area could be in the top 5% of the U.S. for heart procedures, but in the bottom 20% for knee replacements. Our app is an easy-to-use tool that enables you to quickly search for the highest quality providers in your area based on a specific health need you have.
Just like all the other rating systems out there such as Leapfrog, Hospital Compare, and others, we get our data directly from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. As you probably know, hospitals and providers do not have to report their data. However, they do have to report to the government if they want to be reimbursed by the government, the largest insurance provider in the U.S. While this data represents only about 40% of the health events in the U.S., it is a standardized apples-to-apples reporting mechanism and does generally represent the higher-risk patients.
myHealthAdvisor takes all of the reported data for an 18-month rolling period and statistically compares all hospitals based on their relative performance for each reported procedure. In this way, we rank each provider differently for each procedure they perform. So, a hospital that is great at Sepsis could be in the top 5% for handling that condition, whereas that same hospital could be in the lower 50% for doing C-sections.